Friday, August 14, 2009

goals and gravitas...

goal number 1: everyday i want to walk into a gas station and purchase a USA Today or some other newspaper magazine along with an Arizona Green Tea. the main reason for this is to establish a morning tradition so that i'm not waking up 15 minutes before i'm supposed to be at work. also, i think i'll enjoy reading the newspaper everyday. plus, Arizona Green Tea is good.

goal number 2: fearlessness. i'd like to have a little more gallant, and a little less worried about what others think. i wanted to say gravitas because i thought it meant ballsiness. but apparently it means seriousness or sobriety. i'm officially changing the meaning of gravitas to mean ballsiness.

goal number 3: don't let this guy turn me into an agnostic. i don't think he is, but he claims a lot of stuff. including telling me that he's allowing LOST to determine his theological basis. (my friend is in your hands damon lindelof....dont' fail me)

goal number 4: stop making goals and to do lists and not accomplishing them.

goal number 5: make my own food. invite you, and you, and you, and you and all of you over to eat it.

1 comment:

Eric said...

you now officially owe me food...