Monday, April 26, 2010

my father's eyes

a big part of my job is teaching 12-14 year old's discipline. and the 15 year old in me hates it when i use the same phrases as my father. the worst part is, i don't know if i'm saying them because i now believe them or because i don't know what else to regurgitate.

"because I said so"
"instilling work ethic"
"slow as molasses"


a kid in my class is telling me that school is completely worthless to him because the only things he cares about is drumming and skating. he could not grasp the reasons he needed to fill out a homework assignment on mathematical line slopes. the 15 year old in me agreed with him.

i feel like i was asleep most of my life. people told me what to do and i did it. i worked hard to get A's because i was supposed to. i liked challenging myself, not because i liked the work, but because i liked the small games i played in my head. (how fast can i get this done? who turned their paper in before me, and did i get a better grade then them? who holds the world record for writing down his multiplication tables? no one? I DO NOW!!)

sometime around my junior or senior year of highschool i woke up from my slumber. i woke up from my obedience of getting things done. it wasn't a grand awakening or great enlightenment. in fact, it was the opposite. my grades went down, my work ethic was shot, and i didn't care. then sometime in the last few years i've had another awakening. a realization that floating only took me so far. maybe my dad was right all along.

i highly doubt if any of this made sense. basically i needed to unleash some intense emotions after yelling at a 12 year old for over 15 minutes for having the same attitude that i am just now growing out of. it's like a dirty mirror reflecting my life.

if only i knew then what i know now...
if only i knew now what my 35 year old self will know...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

creating a habit...


ok seriously though, i'm on this workout kick. it all started when i looked down at my belly and realized that i looked like i was 4 months pregnant.

now that my original 30 day workout is over, i'm allowed to enjoy beer again. but the workout habit has stuck. i'm now doing "Shaun T's Insanity Workout." It's basically the 60 day version of p90x without weights or bands. all plyometrics stuff.
check it out here.


In other news, I bought a bicycle last week. On the first day I rode 8-10 miles and have rode everyday since i bought it (except yesterday). Needless to say, my bum is super football slaps for at least a week, ok guys?

The bike is going to be a fixed bike once I buy/find a cog. So in no time I'll be as cool as these guys


In other other news. I've found my calling in life. It's to travel the world and help people cross off "things I want to do before I die" items. If I can get these guys to join me, it would be even better.

They made a tv show about my's on MTV or The Buried Life. So good.

Also, who wants to join me on an Across the Country bike trip. I'm in the process of thinking about it. It takes 2 months or so.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today is April 1st. 30 workouts over!

Don't think that my lack of videos meant that I went soft on my workouts. The truth is I tried to make two different videos earlier in the month, but I couldn't get the videos to work. I have a some good stories and I hope to tell them over the next few blog entries. It was a great experience. I feel very proud that I accomplished something like this. I messed up twice, but it still was 30 workouts in 32 days. Not too shabby.

Here are some before and after pictures.

I think I was pregnant in the before picture.

I know there isn't a huge difference. But to me, there is. Pants fit better, I can see a few abs, and I don't cry whenever I look in the mirror anymore. It's great!

I also lost 12 pounds. I went from 194 lbs to 182 lbs.

I'm most excited about being able to eat chinese food again and have a few beers. Not at the same time, that's not good. Well anyway...there you have it. 30 workouts OVER!