Wednesday, October 20, 2010

life update

here's a list of the top 5 most important things in my life right now. no particular order:

1 - school. i realized that if you are a tweet only follower, you may be confused. about 2 years ago a tweet would have said, "so glad i'm finally done with school." and a tweet from a few days ago said, "there's a 16 year old in my human anatomy class. so do i have a 9 year advantage on him, or does he have a 9 year advantage on me?" I have returned to school. i have chosen a career. and i have chosen a few different paths to get me there. wish me luck. i'll need it.

2 - workout. it just started today. but my friend woodard and i have a friendly wager on doing a disciplined workout. if you want the details, ask me. lets just say that "paradoxical harmony" is an appropriate title for this endeavor as well.

3 - tweeting. it's true. i'm making a top 5 list and tweeting has to go on the list. i now have 2 twitter accounts. one as me and another as a hobby. no i wont tell you my other twitter name. you may already be my friend...dun dun dun....

4 - panera bread. i spend at least 3 nights a week studying at panera bread. they know me as the annoying guy who doesn't leave until he's forced out the door. amber the cute girl who wears too much make-up is a fun conversationalist...but panera is my dome of studying.

5 - max. max is my friend who is 8 years old and has cerebral palsy and severe brain damage. his family pays me to come over and watch out for him, clean him up, feed him, and do the same to their other 3 boys. i'm a glorified nanny, except for the glorified part.


if you would have asked me my top 5 list about 2 weeks ago it would have been like this:

2-tedder's wedding
3-chinese food (i ate chinese 4 days in a row without realizing you see the reason for #2 on the above list)
4-tv watching (how i met your mother, parenthood, glee, and house)
5-tedder's wedding (i know i already said it...but it was a big deal)

Monday, August 30, 2010

car troubles...

i've never been a conspiracy theorist. but i think i've found one that's true.

skip to after the ---- if you don't want the long story.

my green GMC sonoma was given to me as a hand me down from my father when i was 16. since my junior year of highschool i have loved this little truck. it's had it's share of close calls, battled a deer and won, gave me the sympathy needed to get 'warnings' instead of 'tickets', and had a bad experience with red slushy drinks in the passenger seat when i hit the brake too hard. it's a beautiful vehicle and i want all my vehicles to be just like this one.

when i received my truck in 2001, i was very grateful. my dad bought it new and had acquired around 125,000 miles on it. mentally, i told myself that i would care for this truck till it reached it's 200,000 landmark. at that point i would stop putting money into it, and when something happened that required a big fix, it would be time to get a new car.

as the miles crept closer and closer i got more and more excited to get to 200,000 miles. i imagined buying a bottle of champagne and putting it in my car. then whoever my destination was to see at 200,000 miles we would share in our joy, and drink to my green-hail-damaged friend. even if i was getting gas, then the gas attendant and i would share a glass of bubbly.

last weekend i drove to manhattan. at 199,554 miles on the odometer, my beautiful, magnificent, full of life vehicle, began to limp. true to my promise, i fixed it. a final last big fix before 200,000 miles.

the conspiracy comes in 2 forms. 1-if you make plans, something will challenge those plans at the last minute. i had a difficult time deciding whether to put these final big bucks into the vehicle or not. 2-if you take your car in for a quick tune up or oil will have major problems directly after.

the sticker in the top left corner of my windshield said "next oil change 190,521 or 11/2009." when it turned "199,300" and it was "8/2010" i decided that i should probably take it in to change the oil. i had no problems with my beauty, but it was time to be safe. 1 week later and only 200 miles down the road i was calling AAA to get it towed.


basically what happened to my car is that i took it to the dentist to get a cleaning after a LONG time of not seeing the dentist. 1 week after the dentist, my car cracked a tooth. it's just not right.

i'll still probably put that champagne in there. so invite me over if you want to be the big winner! probably sometime in the next 2 weeks.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My life as television...

I have seen every episode of these television shows. I have ranked them from favorite to least favorite. Keep in mind that if I watched every episode, I obviously loved the show. Some shows I started, realized how dumb they were, and stopped (Grey's Anatomy, the O.C., etc...) Some shows are still going, others ended a long time ago.

FRIENDS - everything can be traced back to an episode of friends. especially now that I am 24, which is the age all of the characters started in Season 1 of FRIENDS.

LOST - if you've never watched LOST, now is the time. It's 6 seasons of amazing writing. no show has kept me more engaged for so long. 24, eat your heart out.

West Wing - if you want to know about the government, political ideas, why democrats do what they do, then watch the West Wing. the speed of the conversation almost needs a few watches to understand, but once you do, you can't stop thinking about this show.

Arrested Development
- best ridiculous comedy out there. like scrubs, but about a family, and much more funny.

How I Met Your Mother - things in HIMYM remind me of FRIENDS. while the writing is better, and the characters are more funny, you don't find yourself identifying with the characters the way you do on Friends.

Rescue Me - most intense show i've ever seen. i found myself watching most episodes with my eyes wide open and shocked at what ends up happening. and the comedy catches you off guard so it ends up being hilarious.

Scrubs - if you ever need a pick-me-up, pop in Scrubs. so ridiculous and you love the characters.

Gilmore Girls - fast and hilarious. i believe that if this show had a different title, that tons of guys would love it. but they dismiss it because it has "Girls" in the title. so funny.

Dorm Life (webisode) - you can find these at so so funny. ridiculous characters, and you can waste a lot of time watching these 10 min. long videos. so good.

Freaks and Geeks - good writing. rough acting. it's only 2 seasons so it's worth a watch.

House - House is rough. it's interesting, and intense, but after watching it once, I never find myself wanting to watch it again.

Dragonball Z - 6th grade. how i miss thee. from the vegeta series to boo, i watched it all. we would watch them while playing starcraft and where in the world is carmen san diego.

Sopranos - after a while, this show slows way way down. the first season is good, but after that it just became a grind to finish. but unlike a lot of people, i really liked the way it ended.

i'm debating which show i should watch next. anyone have thoughts:
- Weeds
- Dexter
- Breaking Bad
- Mad Men
- Criminal Minds
- other...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Canal Diving, Bike Riding, Electricity...

Better late than Never. A story from Africa...

Our first day at the Drakensburg Amphitheatre. After being shown around and eating some lunch we rented bicycles and went on a ride. First off, the bikes s u c k e d. (i'm trying this new spacing thing on words I emphasize...we'll see how it goes). My bike had a flat tire and the brake would constantly rub on the wheel, Tedder's tire went WAY flat and couldn't change gears, and our new friend Mohinder (not his real name...i don't remember his real name), his bike had a bad seat, tires rubbed on the brake, and his gears didn't work. Yikes.

Riding along the grass in the open field was rough, with bumps and holes all over the place. Tedder and Woodard had a bet to see who was going to fall first. Woodard both lost the bet, and was the one who fell. The field was tough to navigate through because our map was hand drawn and had things like "fence" and "pathway" as markers (the whole place was filled with fences and pathways). Eventually we made it to a gate and canal where we stopped and took pictures. We stood on the ledge that bridged across the canal. Woodard, slightly afraid of standing on ledges, thought death was imminent if we fell. I disagreed, and led to me discovering just how deep the canal was. The only way to discover...experiments!

I don't know why stuff like this makes me so happy. I love the random side adventures that come with traveling. Tiny moments where you have to decide to do something a little dumb and a lot of fun. Jumping in lakes fully clothed, going up to strangers and talking to them (not attractive girls though, that's too terrifying), being the first to jump off the cliff at Pillsbury...moments like that. They are tiny moments that remind me that life is supposed to be fun and experienced.

So after getting into the canal, and discovering it's well over my head, we adventured onward. I put my clothes back on and started riding down a dirt road. We were all separated by about 50 yards or so and I was in the front. While I was riding, all of a sudden, I felt something sharp poking me in my leg. It felt like a sharp object poking me in my inner right thigh. So I adjusted, but then it felt like a sharp object in my inner left thigh. It hurt like hell, so I stopped my bike and got off. Then something started poking my hand. It freaked the hell out of me!

As the rest of the boys caught up to me I heard them all saying things like "ow", "what the hell", "something is stinging me". Then we all looked up. We were riding under some MAJOR electric lines. These are the heavy duty ones with about 20 wires, thick wires, going along a highway. The electricity from those wires, over 6 stories above us, caused us to get shocked by any metal we touched. So the metal just under my seat was touching my thigh and when I braked, my hand touched a tiny metal screw next to the hand brake.

We sprinted away from under the wires. Still a little spooked. It's scary to think that you are getting poked or stung all over your body without seeing the reason.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

stories to come...

fear not. africa stories will come as soon as i have regular internet.

summary of trip = adventurous, beautiful, hilarious.

i'm rereading Catcher in the Rye. this means that, once again, i'm inspired to be a writer. i'll practice by writing my stories on this blog. i'll be home in 3-4 days. love.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

waking up without an alarm clock...

it amazes me how much time can be wasted in front of a TV. yesterday i had a list of things i wanted to do once i got back from wichita. reading, writing, rowing, working on the deck, and other things. i started off by watching "Cash Cab" with dinner. i finally turned the TV off after 'you've got mail' at 12:30 at night. what a wasted day (even though i do love you've got mail)

i love living at he lake. though i haven't been as productive as i would have liked, i'm still love being here. my favorite aspect is waking up without an alarm clock. i wake up with the sun shining in my room around 8:00 and finally get out of bed around 9:30 or so. there's something about living with no expectations.

i've also been playing a lot of golf. i can thank tedder and mar for that. i'm getting good too...

i got my father's LP record player up here at the lake now. i listened to the Beatle's Hard Days Night twice through this morning. Then switched it over to Let it Be. Tonight I play on listening to The Who and journalling.

Yes, I am trying to make you jealous by this post. I love living here. You should join me. I'm here till the 24th or so. Don't come this weekend though. I'll be in Wichita for the world cup beginning!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

an uncle's eyes...

most of the time i act out what i think i'm supposed to do. i react because i'm supposed to react that way. i laugh at the punchline, regardless of the joke.

i once told a group of friends that i am immune to emotion, feeling, and taste. we still laugh about how ridiculous that sounds.


my friends, this weekend i became an uncle. there was no feigning emotion. there was no immunity to feelings. i looked at my nephew's tiny mouth as he hiccuped and whispered in my nephew's tiny ears that 'you are loved.' i teared up with joy, shivered at the fear of his endless possibilities, and prayed hard for my sister's health and strength.

to pass the 22 hours of hospital stay i periodically made small talk with the nurses at the hospital. one in particular became a friend. after baby jace was born she asked me as i walked passed, "so, what do you think?" i responded, "i think...i think he's...perfect." this small creature is as perfect a person can be. he has yet to fail. yet to lie. yet to cheat, steal, or destroy. don't get me wrong, i know he will someday. but for right now, he is perfection in flesh. the thought makes me both smile and shudder. his endless possibilities are...perfect.

jace has already inspired me to be a better person. and in 30 minutes he'll be exactly one day old. i wonder what he'll teach me next.

Monday, April 26, 2010

my father's eyes

a big part of my job is teaching 12-14 year old's discipline. and the 15 year old in me hates it when i use the same phrases as my father. the worst part is, i don't know if i'm saying them because i now believe them or because i don't know what else to regurgitate.

"because I said so"
"instilling work ethic"
"slow as molasses"


a kid in my class is telling me that school is completely worthless to him because the only things he cares about is drumming and skating. he could not grasp the reasons he needed to fill out a homework assignment on mathematical line slopes. the 15 year old in me agreed with him.

i feel like i was asleep most of my life. people told me what to do and i did it. i worked hard to get A's because i was supposed to. i liked challenging myself, not because i liked the work, but because i liked the small games i played in my head. (how fast can i get this done? who turned their paper in before me, and did i get a better grade then them? who holds the world record for writing down his multiplication tables? no one? I DO NOW!!)

sometime around my junior or senior year of highschool i woke up from my slumber. i woke up from my obedience of getting things done. it wasn't a grand awakening or great enlightenment. in fact, it was the opposite. my grades went down, my work ethic was shot, and i didn't care. then sometime in the last few years i've had another awakening. a realization that floating only took me so far. maybe my dad was right all along.

i highly doubt if any of this made sense. basically i needed to unleash some intense emotions after yelling at a 12 year old for over 15 minutes for having the same attitude that i am just now growing out of. it's like a dirty mirror reflecting my life.

if only i knew then what i know now...
if only i knew now what my 35 year old self will know...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

creating a habit...


ok seriously though, i'm on this workout kick. it all started when i looked down at my belly and realized that i looked like i was 4 months pregnant.

now that my original 30 day workout is over, i'm allowed to enjoy beer again. but the workout habit has stuck. i'm now doing "Shaun T's Insanity Workout." It's basically the 60 day version of p90x without weights or bands. all plyometrics stuff.
check it out here.


In other news, I bought a bicycle last week. On the first day I rode 8-10 miles and have rode everyday since i bought it (except yesterday). Needless to say, my bum is super football slaps for at least a week, ok guys?

The bike is going to be a fixed bike once I buy/find a cog. So in no time I'll be as cool as these guys


In other other news. I've found my calling in life. It's to travel the world and help people cross off "things I want to do before I die" items. If I can get these guys to join me, it would be even better.

They made a tv show about my's on MTV or The Buried Life. So good.

Also, who wants to join me on an Across the Country bike trip. I'm in the process of thinking about it. It takes 2 months or so.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today is April 1st. 30 workouts over!

Don't think that my lack of videos meant that I went soft on my workouts. The truth is I tried to make two different videos earlier in the month, but I couldn't get the videos to work. I have a some good stories and I hope to tell them over the next few blog entries. It was a great experience. I feel very proud that I accomplished something like this. I messed up twice, but it still was 30 workouts in 32 days. Not too shabby.

Here are some before and after pictures.

I think I was pregnant in the before picture.

I know there isn't a huge difference. But to me, there is. Pants fit better, I can see a few abs, and I don't cry whenever I look in the mirror anymore. It's great!

I also lost 12 pounds. I went from 194 lbs to 182 lbs.

I'm most excited about being able to eat chinese food again and have a few beers. Not at the same time, that's not good. Well anyway...there you have it. 30 workouts OVER!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

30 day 8

live action video blog.

please spare the comments on how weak i am...believe me...i know

this was day 8, i started my week 1 over again. it wasn't any easier the second time.

also, i'm starting to feel a lot of fatigue. it's a strange feeling. it's not soreness or pain, it's a general soreness throughout my whole body. like i just woke up from a 3 hour sunday afternoon nap. i think i need more carbs and protein in my diet...

facebook doesn't show the if you're reading this on facebook go to:


30 day 6

DAY 6!!!

Fake Patty's Day was no obstacle for 30 workouts in 30 days!

I'm trying to get caught up on these blogs but it's taking longer than I thought.

I'm staying strong on my diet. Today I ate solely jellybeans and pop-sickles. And I think it's really starting to show. (that was for you Sekoch)

But seriously, I'm starting to see small differences. I may have found an ab or two underneath the flabby exterior. So far so good.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

30 day 5

day 5 was march 5th...

days 2 thru 4 went really well. i was sore as crap, but it was worth it. here's a little video i made on day 5.

different days had different workouts. i made this baked chicken with chipotle raspberry sauce that was really good to eat, but looked like it had mold all over it.

other than that, it's been a good tough week. more videos to come

Monday, March 8, 2010

30 Day Workout - Day 1

Check out my new video. I've actually been doing this for a week now, but just now have been able to put up the videos for it. I'll try to get caught up.

Day 1 Routine:

Granola Bar
2 Eggs

6" Subway Sandwich

2 Baked Potatoes
Tortilla Chips

Ran 2.9 Miles in the am
Ran 1.1 Miles to warm up
4x25 Pushups
4x25 Squats
4x25 Sit Ups
4x10 Pull Ups
Walk back home

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

i've made a huge mistake...

I did my taxes last weekend. I sat with my father and went over my bank statements, w2's (all 5 of them), 1099s, investments, school funds, and everything else involving money.

On a seemingly unrelated note, I signed up for Rhapsody online in 2005 when I was a freshman in college. It costs 14.99 and I can get unlimited songs. It's amazing and I still use it to this day. In 2006, my mother thought it would be a good idea to pay for my Rhapsody subscription for a year, so I switched over the account to my mom and dad's credit card.

Merging these two unrelated ideas, when I went over my bank statements with my dad we realized that both my parents and I have been paying 14.99 for a ONE account subscription since 2006. They have been double charging us. That's 14.99 x 12 months x 3 years = 539.64. Yeah, I know.

I called up Rhapsody and got it worked out but was only able to be refunded for 1 years worth. Sucks for me. But I thought that was a funny story.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's the smallest of changes...

If you adjust your thoughts just a little. A world of joy can be opened to you.

I used to hate waking up in the morning. And I'd hate it even more if I woke up in the middle of the night. If I looked at my alarm clock and it said 3:06am, I was annoyed and angry. So bitter, in fact, that it would take me a while to calm down and fall back asleep.

I was complaining about this to my first roommate in college Brad, and he told me that it was completely different for him. He loved waking up at 3:06am because it meant he had another 4 hours to sleep. This concept, blew my mind. But since then, I've never been bitter about waking up.

Working out was extremely difficult for me. I hated the feeling of being sore. I couldn't stand easily, I couldn't walk normally, and if I ever tried to shoot a basketball after working out my arms, I'd be lucky if it made it halfway to the basket.

A few weeks ago, my now roommate Jacob told me that he loves the feeling of being sore. It gave him a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. A constant reminder that he bettered himself the day before.

I began my 30 workouts in 30 days yesterday. I'm sore as crap now. I love it though. There's no other feeling I would want. I'm going to blog about it some more later and possibly do a video blog about my workout adventures. Stay tuned...

Monday, February 22, 2010


last weekend was great. i got paid, friends traveled to manhattan, drinks with roommates, sneaking into a hotel to go hot-tubbing, good movies, crazy stories, 5 hours at a coffee shop, and a lot of fun.

the weekend ended by going over to my new friend's stephanie and bonnie's house for some hookah and stories. we ended up playing a game where we thought of different songs and let our minds take us back to a memory. steph told us about this song and how it made her think of riding her father's motorcycle in the summer. i almost felt like i was there with her as she described it. it was good.

'linger' by the cranberries - i remember being in the girl's room in oxford while 8 of us turned the lights out and listened to this song. i remember feeling very peaceful.

'i want you back' by nsync - i remember mowing my lawn listening to this song on repeat between 6th and 7th grade. i remember thinking how i'd made a horrible decision to break up with my girlfriend at the time. i later wrote this song into a note for her...and yes, i got her back.

'stars' by david crowder - i remember being on the side of marion county lake talking with josh tedder about his mom. changed my perspective about life.

'auto rock' by mogwai - if my life had a soundtrack, this song would be the top track. it makes me feel simple and inspired.

God bless music.

Monday, February 1, 2010

reply to

last year i went on a safari in africa. we were watching a herd of hundreds and hundreds of wildebeests, zebras, gnus, and gazelles attempt to cross a river. with the mouths of 20+ crocodiles waiting for them, the herd got closer and closer to the water.

the flow that these animals took was phenomenal. in one motion they would go towards the water, the slow down, stop about 15 feet from the river, then go back where they came from without ever crossing. the animals knew they had to cross, but they were terrified to do it. this routine of rushing towards the water, getting scared, and rushing away again could continue for hours. we watched this dance with fate for a few hours.

the most interesting part, it only takes 1 animal to dare to cross. when one zebra finally decides that it's time to go, then they ALL will cross. hundreds and hundreds of animals are willing to cross once somebody else is the first to go.

if you want to watch the hand held video of it. jump it to 6:52 if you want to see it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

call me a douche...but....

What if we told the random strangers exactly what we thought.

---"ma'am you look ridiculous with that much make-up on"

---"sir, that facial hair makes you look European. but not in a good way. shave it off."

it's not that i want to be mean to random strangers. but i think it would be beneficial to throw constructive criticism their way.

---"you'll never get a boyfriend with your 'he needs to love me for me' attitude and only wear sweatpants when you leave the house. it's just not going to happen for you"

---"you eat like a horse, sir. please. take a little time for chewing if you can."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Try to get arrested in Texas...

So I was driving down to Austin over night last night. The week prior I was trying to get ahold of a radio guy named Bobby Bones so I could sit in on his show. I gave up hope that he would allow me to come up there, but then I got a call at 6:10am. I got on the air and he told me if I could get to Austin by 9:30 I could come up. I'm a long ways away, so I start HAULING to get there on time. Sure enough, an hour later PULLED OVER.

I called back to the Bobby Bones show and told them what happened and that I wouldn't be able to make it in time, and that was on the air too. It sucked, but it's kind of a funny story. Sorry Aunt and Uncle for using your car to commit a misdemeanor. Oops.

If you want to hear me on the radio, search "Bobby Bones" on iTunes. Click the podcasts. Then on today's date (1/22/10). My segments are titled "Kermit Bomb 3." It's at the end of the segment. And the longer one is at the beginning of "Steak Dinner 9." Sucks for me. But a story I'll probably tell for a while...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Maybe I need to watch Dirty Dancing...

So I went to Auntie Mae's "Trivia Smack Down" last night. Ouch. I think I need to buy a Trivial Pursuit game. Or I need to hang out with Josh Tedder more. Either way, I need to get smarter.

I feel like we got unlucky with our easy questions. For example, we were asked what the Dirty Dancing song by Eric Carmen was? We're 5 dudes who are hoping for movie and sports questions. Then when we finally get a sports question it's "in Nascar, what is the color of the flag signaling one lap left." Frick. I don't watch Nascar. And those were the easy ones.

Anyway, if you're smart. And know random crap. Please come join us Wednesdays at 7:45!! It's pretty stinkin fun.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Roommate...

Everyone needs to welcome Stephen Freese. He can do things like this:

I know right...

Since he's new to Manhattan, I was thinking of all the must do's/see's that our wonderful little city offers. I've been here over 6 years, and this is the short list I've come up with. Feel free to add your own in the comments. In no particular order:

- Call Hall ice cream
- watch a storm roll in from "Top of the World"
- get kissed in the "A Hole"
- Lawn chair for 4 hours at Pillsbury Crossing
- Get a Fishbowl/Fishtank at Fats
- Vista Burger greasiness
- Any shot from the "I Double Dare You" menu at Shot Stop
- Anything from TADS
- Grill out at Tuttle Creek
- Walk into Rusty's just to see how disgusting it is
- Irish Car Bomb from O'Malley's
- Frisbee/Football/Soccer at Old Stadium
- Pita Pit, no earlier than 2:10am
- Pinapple Beer from So Long Saloon
- Fake Patties Day (only time i've ever seen a cop conducting a DUI test before 10:00am)
- 50 cent tacos at Tubby's
- Long walk at Konza Prairie
- Enjoy an evening at the Little Grill
- Hit up the Farmer's Market
- Compare Radina's to Bluestem 100 times and still not know which is better
- A bike ride with the DBC!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Some movies don't show me anything (Die Hard, the Incredibles, Dumb and Dumber) but they are just entertaining as hell.

Some movies speak a different message based on where I am in my own life. Braveheart and Band of Brothers, for example. When I first watched them, they made me want to fight a war and earn glory and honor. Now, years later, when I rewatch them, they make me want to believe in something outside of myself. To stand firm in a conviction of unwaivering truth.

I just rewatched (500) Days of Summer. The first time I watched it, I was floored. The movie reflected something about my life that I didn't like. An ache, an agony, and a desperation. It wasn't the movie itself, it was the emotions the movie brought out of me. The second time I watched it, I was floored again. But with a completely different set of emotions. I was made happy by it.

I was talking to a friend about the way that movies can make us feel. How Sleepless in Seattle makes us want to reach out and touch someone and know true love. How Motorcycle Diaries makes us want to live out on the road to find adventure and excitement. How Life as a House makes us want to reconnect with the ones we love.

But now I'm questioning...
Are all these emotions bullshit? Are they movie magic trying to make us feel one way or another without being authentic? Or, do these movies bring up underlying things about ourselves that are already true? Are they a new kind of mirror, allowing us to reflect?

I'm settling somewhere closter to the latter. I think the emotions already exist. It's the movie that stirs the pot.

Either way, (500) Days of Summer, great movie. You can watch it here. You can actually watch almost ANY movie there.